Sunday, March 3, 2013

SR 2 tr investments spur KSA real estate business - Zawya

SR 2 tr investments spur KSA real estate business
Total investments in real estates across Saudi Arabia have reached more than SR 2 trillion, making the country one of the top real estate markets in the world. "The Kingdom's housing need in 2020 is estimated at 4.5 million units at an estimated cost of SR 117 billion annually and it would need 110 million square meters of housing plots," said Khaled Al-Ghamdi, chairman of Taifah Al-Aqar in Jeddah.

Housing is one of the major problems facing the Kingdom.

Al-Ghamdi put the housing needs of Jeddah at 1 million units by 2020. "There is demand for 100,000 residential units in the city every year," he said.

Jeddah's real estate business is growing fast with SR 21.5 billion worth of deals concluded over the past three months. He attributed the increasing investment in the sector in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries to the region's security and stability.

The real estate market in the Kingdom has taken a giant stride in recent years especially in Jeddah where properties under construction are estimated at SR 200 billion. Al-Ghamdi stressed the need to set up a higher commission for real estate without further delay, adding that the Council of Saudi Chambers has recommended its formation. Such a commission, he said, is needed to regulate the Kingdom's real estate sector and serve as a reference for all its disputes besides serving as a driver for the sector's increased contributions to the GDP.

? Arab News 2013

? Copyright Zawya. All Rights Reserved.


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The Yeshiva World New Study Says Holocaust Infrastructure Was ...

aushnThe Holocaust ? the systematic, state-sponsored murder, persecution and abuse of millions ? was far more shocking and horrific than even experts thought a few months ago.

New research shows that about 42,500 Nazi camps and ghettos stretched from Nazi-controlled France to Russia between 1933 and 1945, Hitler?s vicious reign of terror and darkness.

The prevalence of camps in Germany, in particular, astonished researcher Martin Dean. Berlin, for instance, had about 3,000 camps and Hamburg had 1,300 sites.

?You literally could not go anywhere in Germany without running into forced labor camps, P.O.W. camps, concentration camps,? said Dean. ?They were everywhere.?

Dean and fellow scholar Geoffrey Megargee presented their findings at the German Historical Institute in Washington in late January, reported The New York Times.

Megargee expected to find about 7,000 camps and ghettos when research began. The final number of 42,500 locations sent shudders throughout the room.

?The numbers are so much higher than what we originally thought,? institute director Hartmut Berghoff told the newspaper. ?We knew before how horrible life in the camps and ghettos was ? but the numbers are unbelievable.?

The research team uncovered 30,000 slave camps, 1,150 Jewish ghettos, 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps, 980 concentration camps, 500 sex-slave brothels and thousands of other camps serving a myriad of wicked ends: forced abortions, mandatory euthanasia of the elderly and ill, ?Germanisation? and transportation hubs to murder sites, according to the Times.

The team started its research in 2000 for a seven-volume encyclopedia published by the Holocaust Museum, who have already released the first two volumes and expect to release all seven by 2025.

(Source: NY Daily News)


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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sandy's scars still visible on N.J. shore

The Jet Star roller coaster, in the ocean since Sandy, will be removed in coming days (Mark Wilson/Getty Image??

SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J.?People have come from hundreds of miles away to see it, sneaking past the yellow caution tape and heavy police guard onto a closed beach still littered with jagged pieces of debris four months after Superstorm Sandy nearly swept away this tiny oceanfront town.

The Jet Star roller coaster, sucked from the Casino Pier amusement park into the Atlantic Ocean by the storm, has become an iconic image of the horror and destruction left in Sandy?s wake. There?s something hauntingly beautiful about the sight of a roller coaster submerged in the sea?the strange way its frame reflects off the water in the early morning light and how the waves expand and retract around it, as if it had been built there in the first place.

As Casino Pier finalizes plans to finally begin removing it from the ocean in coming days, the Jet Star, for many here, is a sad, if beautiful, reminder of everything Sandy has taken away in a city struggling to fight its way back.

?You look out there, and you just want to cry,? said Kathie Kirckof, a Seaside Heights resident who lost everything when her beachside home in nearby Ortley Beach was flooded by the storm. ?So many memories, just gone. All people want is just to feel normal again, yet it?s really anything but that here. It just feels eerie.?

Last weekend, Seaside Heights was forced to cancel one of its biggest winter attractions?the annual Polar Bear Plunge, a chilly swimming event that usually attracts thousands of people. But with the Jet Star and other debris in the water and the beach still closed, the Plunge was moved upstate to Long Branch?a disappointment to businesses that had been closed for weeks and hoped to see customers return.

Four months after the storm, efforts to rebuild Seaside Heights have been minimal at best. The old boardwalk, left in splinters by Sandy?s massive storm surge, has largely been carted away as the city last week began work on a new boardwalk it hopes to open by May, the kickoff of the summer tourist season, which is crucial to the city?s economy.

?We are going to have [the boardwalk] finished by May because we absolutely have to,? Seaside Heights Mayor William Akers told Yahoo News. ?Yes, it?s an ambitious schedule, but if we don?t do this it will be a huge blow, and we can?t take it. It would be economic suicide.?

There?s also a symbolic reason Akers and other Seaside Heights leaders are working so hard to revive the city. This summer, Seaside Heights turns 100 years old?a benchmark the city is determined to celebrate.

But the boardwalk is one of the few obvious signs of progress. Seaside Heights, made famous for its starring role in MTV?s reality show ?Jersey Shore,? feels like a ghost town. Just 16 blocks long?all of which is nestled along the ocean?the city is empty and still. There?s little traffic and almost no people except for an occasional smattering of tourists looking for a glimpse of the Jet Star or other storm damage along the boardwalk.

On one recent afternoon, the only cars on the street were about a half dozen police cruisers trying to keep people away from the closed beach area. ?It?s what we do all day,? one officer, who declined to be named because he wasn?t allowed to talk to the media, explained. ?We just chase the storm tourists away.?

One of those tourists was Dorothy Dabronski who, with her husband Stan, had driven from their home in Bayonne, N.J., to see the damage firsthand.

?I have been coming here for decades,? Dabronski said. ?I wanted to see for myself what it looked like.? Glancing around, she declared, ?It?s really sad.?

Around town, fewer than two dozen businesses have reopened in the aftermath of the storm as many continue to wait for insurance companies to answer their damage claims. A handful of bars are aiming to open next week, ahead of the city?s March 9 St. Patrick?s Day parade?an event that has long been one of the city?s biggest tourist weekends and has taken on a special air of significance this year as the town tries to get back to normal. But in a sign of how tenuous that commitment is, many of those buildings were still locked up last week, with no signs of life.

Some business owners have taken it upon themselves to try to earn the money needed to reopen. Along Ocean Terrace, the closest road to the beach, employees of Vinny's Games have set up a temporary booth to try to woo those passing by into playing a dart game involving balloons.

Joe Franzi, a manager at Vinny?s, explained they were trying to raise money to rebuild their stand along the boardwalk, which had been heavily damaged by the eight-foot storm surge. Recent business, Franzi said, has been ?pretty good some days and just OK on others.?

?There are a few people who walk by and stop in during the day, and some people just give us donations,? Franzi said. ?Little by little, we?re trying to get back to normal. It?s tough, but we?re trying. It?s good for people to see us trying. You want to make people feel good, to remind them of what having fun feels like. We need that.?

But, he admitted, it?s not always easy. Franzi, who lives in nearby Toms River and has worked the Seaside Heights boardwalk for 23 years, said he broke down when he first saw the damage after the storm and sometimes still gets emotional when thinking about what the city has lost.

?I just cried,? Franzi said. ?It?s hard to take. ... I know we'll rebuild, but it?s going to take awhile. And I wonder if it will be the same.?

Down the road, Captain Hook?s Bar reopened early last month after its building had been flooded by more than four feet of water and sludge from the surge. The owners had to replace almost everything?from the coolers behind the bar to the video games out front. The atmosphere, they said, hasn?t quite been the same.

?It?s been quiet,? said Kirckof, who tends bar at Captain Hook?s. ?We have some of our locals who come in, but a lot of people haven?t come back to the city?and may not come back. You just don?t know.?

Kirckof guessed that some customers were being scared off by the empty streets and heavy police presence?admitting her city looks more like a ?war zone? than the laid-back ?island community? it used to be. At the same time, she worried that people don?t understand the struggles that Seaside Heights still faces.

At her second job, as a hairdresser on the far side of Tom?s River in a more inland part of the state, Kirckof said many people she talked to ?had gone on with their lives? after Sandy and seemed unaware of the ?war zone feeling? that still engulfs Seaside Heights.

?I don?t mean to sound like I am whining, but we're all living by the skin of our teeth now. A lot of people were out of work for months. Flood insurance is a joke. We're replacing all of our belongings. It?s the worst thing I have ever gone through in my life,? Kirckof said. ?To see your friends and neighbors and the people you care about walking around like zombies, just blank stares because they're so traumatized, it?s hard. All we want is for things to go back to normal. But what is normal anymore for us?"

Even as May has emerged as an important benchmark for Seaside Heights and its future, Akers is the first to admit everything won?t be as it was in summers past. Along the boardwalk, where shops and eateries still remain boarded up, some vendors have been noncommittal about how soon they will be able to reopen. Around town, houses once rented as vacation homes remain washed off their foundations. Others that withstood the flood remain heavily damaged?empty since the storm.

Funtown Pier, the second of the two major amusement parks in town, won?t reopen until the summer of 2014. Meanwhile, officials at Casino Pier are aiming to have at least part of its park open by Memorial Day. But according to Toby Wolf, a marketing manager at the park, the pier won?t fully reopen until at least next summer, after the upper pier, where the Jet Star and four other rides were washed into the ocean, is rebuilt.

?It?s extremely important to us, as a company, to get people back to work,? Wolf said. ?It?s important to us as a business, but it?s also important to the city. The boardwalk is really the heart of the city.?

?Everywhere I go, people ask me if we will be ready, if the beach will be open, and my answer is that we will be,? Akers said, noting the extra pressure due to the town's 100th anniversary. ?After everything we went through with Sandy, this is a new beginning. We can do this. We have to do this."


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Rapper French Montana Targeted In Drive-By Shooting In Philly? (VIDEO)

Rapper French Montana Targeted In Drive-By Shooting In Philly? (VIDEO)

French Montana (center) and Meek Mill (left) just before shootingA 27-year-old man was killed and a 29-year-old man injured in Philadelphia last night in a drive-by shooting outside the tour bus of rapper French Montana. The rapper had just performed a show at the city’s Theater of Living Arts when gunfire erupted outside the Holiday Inn Express on Christopher Columbus Boulevard, where he and ...

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Protesters, police clash in two Egyptian cities

PORT SAID, Egypt (AP) ? Activists on Saturday accused police of using excessive force and running over protesters in two Egyptian cities, killing one person who was allegedly crushed to death by an armored vehicle.

The violence in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura and the Suez Canal city of Port Said came as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was in Cairo talking with opposition figures ahead of his meeting with the president and defense minister on Sunday. Liberals and seculars are angry that Washington is urging them to take part in parliamentary elections and see U.S. support for the vote as backing Islamists who are in power.

The two cities outside Cairo have been calling for a civil disobedience campaign to bring down President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood group. Protesters and opposition parties accuse Morsi and the Brotherhood of trying to monopolize power and of reneging on promises of reform. They also want parts of a new constitution amended and are calling for the formation of a more inclusive government.

Calls for strikes coincide with a diesel crisis that has caused microbuses, taxi drivers and truck drivers to wait in fuel lines for hours every day across Egypt. The political turmoil has rocked the country's economy and the government is struggling to contain a rush on the U.S. dollar by worried residents as well as a decline in foreign reserves, which threatens to affect the government's ability to provide for subsidies that millions of Egyptians rely on for survival.

One of the country's most prominent opposition coalitions is calling on people to boycott parliamentary elections slated to begin in April for the 546-seat legislature. The National Salvation Front says the vote will only further polarize the nation and that elections cannot take place during the current climate of violence.

The elections commission on Saturday announced procedures for elections, including an eight-day window starting March 9 for candidates to register to run.

Since the second anniversary of Egypt's uprising in late January, more than 70 people have been killed in clashes with police.

Egypt's Interior Ministry, which oversees the country's police force, said a protester died and dozens were wounded before dawn Saturday in Mansoura where about 400 people protested outside the local council office. The ministry said protesters were chanting anti-government slogans before they cut off a main road and threw firebombs at the building.

Activists there told The Associated Press that a protester, Hossam Eldin Abdullah Abdelazim, was killed when an armored police vehicle crushed him to death during the clashes. A quiet funeral was held for him on Saturday.

Abdullah Saad, a resident of Mansoura, said the boy was 14 years old, but an initial autopsy said he was 35 years old. The discrepancy over his age could not be immediately reconciled.

The ministry declined to comment on how Abdelazim died.

Saad, a law student, likened Saturday's violence in Mansoura to events of Jan. 28, 2011, the bloodiest day of the uprising against President Hosni Mubarak that led to his ouster. He said there have been daily clashes in Mansoura since Monday.

Activists uploaded videos of the violence online. One video purported to show an armored police vehicle rushing protesters at high speed on Thursday. Another video showed a protester from the overnight clashes Saturday with what appeared to be a crushed skull. The videos could not be independently verified.

Also Saturday, a police car in the restive Suez Canal city of Port Said hit five protesters along a main road and sped off, according to an AP reporter at the scene. The protesters were blocking traffic during an anti-government march.

The reporter said that when the protesters refused to allow a police car passage, the driver fired warning shots into the air and rammed into the crowd, hitting five people. The protesters, who are angry with the police, then torched a number of vehicles at a nearby police station, the AP reporter said.

Health official Helmy el-Afani said those hit by the car were admitted to a nearby hospital with broken bones, including one man who had a broken pelvis.

Schools have been closed for a month in Port Said following deadly clashes there late last month that killed around 40 people. The violence erupted after protesters tried to storm a prison there in January to free 21 defendants sentenced to death for their roles in a deadly soccer riot. It was unclear if schools would resume classes on Sunday as planned.

Human Rights Watch said Saturday that Morsi should "publicly acknowledge that the police's right to use lethal force is not unlimited ? even when they come under attack ? and order the police to limit any use of force to what is strictly necessary."

"Neither the Interior Ministry nor the president has admitted any wrongdoing on the part of the police in Port Said," the statement said.


Associated Press writer Aya Batrawy in Cairo contributed to this report.


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Friday, March 1, 2013

Best Buy 4th quarter loss narrows

NEW YORK (AP) ? Best Buy Co. lost less money in the fourth quarter as efforts by new CEO Hubert Joly to make the company more efficient showed glimmers of paying off.

The struggling electronics chain also said Friday that it did not receive a buyout bid from its co-founder Richard Schulze by the deadline Thursday, ending one question mark that had been hovering over the Minneapolis company.

The retailer's fourth-quarter results beat expectations, but Best Buy gave a cautious outlook on the first quarter because it is ramping up investments and the timing of some sales has changed from last year.

Best Buy has been working to turn around results as it faces tough competition from online retailers and discounters. The company has cut jobs, invested in training employees and started matching online prices. Results show that the changes are beginning to help.

U.S. revenue in stores open at least 14 months rose 0.9 percent, the best performance in 11 quarters, Joly pointed out in an interview with the AP.

"We have momentum building. We're at the beginning of a transformation taking hold," Joly said.

Results may give investors more faith in new management, including Joly, who joined the company in August, and CFO Sharon McCollam, who joined in December, said NBG Productions analyst Brian Sozzi.

He said Best Buy is showing "striking positives," including better-than-expected gross margin ? the percentage of each dollar in revenue a company actually keeps ? and an 11.2 percent increase in U.S. online sales.

"Every transaction online was essentially the equivalent of convincing groups of previously disenchanted customers that yes, Best Buy is finally price competitive," Sozzi said.

Earlier this week Minneapolis-based Best Buy announced 400 job cuts at its headquarters as part of a $725 million cost-cutting plan. On Friday the company said it expects to announce more job cuts later this year.

The company also said it plans $700 million to $800 million in capital spending and $150 million to $200 million in other expenses in fiscal 2014 as it invests in its business, mainly online and mobile channels. It plans to revamp by fiscal 2015.

"2014 is a year of transition," Joly said in a call with investors. "Further investment will be required to advance our 'Renew Blue' transformation"

Its loss after paying preferred dividends for the three months ended Feb. 2 totaled $409 million, or $1.21 per share, for the three months ended Feb. 2. That compares with a loss of $1.82 billion, or $5.17 per share, a year earlier.

Excluding restructuring and other costs, adjusted earnings came to $1.64 per share. Analysts expected $1.54 per share, according to FactSet.

Revenue was nearly flat at $16.71 billion, from $16.67 billion last year. Analysts expected $16.29 billion.

U.S. revenue in stores open at least 14 months rose 0.9 percent, helped by performance from Best Buy's standalone mobile stores. International revenue in stores open at least a year fell 6.6 percent due to weak results in Canada and China.

Best Buy also absorbed restructuring charges of $203 million related to closing stores and severance. It took an $822 million impairment charge to write off worse than expected results in Canada and China as well as $44 million in asset impairments.

"Renewed momentum in the domestic business more than offset continued softness in the International business," Joly said.

For the year, the loss totaled $249 million, or 73 cents per share. That compares with a loss of $1.32 billion, or $3.57 per share, the year before.

Revenue edged down less than 1 percent to $49.62 billion from $50.04 billion.

CFO Sharon McCollam said she expects first-quarter results to be "under significant pressure" because there will be a week less of sales compared with last year. Also, people buying TVs before the Super Bowl helped the company in the fourth quarter this year, compared with the first quarter last year. That helped net income by 14 cents per share in the fourth quarter.

The company is also making investments during the quarter in a price-matching program and revamping its websites.

Schulze, who founded the company in 1966 and is its largest shareholder by far with a 20 percent stake, had been considering a bid or selling his stake since resigning in June, following an investigation that led to the resignation of CEO Brian Dunn due to an inappropriate relationship with a female staffer.

Schulze had until Feb. 28 to make an offer for the company, but no offer materialized, Best Buy said Friday.

Shares rose 28 cents to $16.69 in morning trading. The stock has traded between $11.20 and $27.95 over the past 52 weeks.


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Turbulence in a crystal

Mar. 1, 2013 ? When a crystal is hit by an intense ultrashort light pulse, its atomic structure is set in motion. A team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), the Technischen Universit?t M?nchen (TUM), the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin (FHI) and the Universit?t Kassel can now observe how the configuration of electrons and atoms in titanium dioxide, a semiconductor, changes under the impact of an ultraviolet laser pulse, confirming that even subtle changes in the electron distribution caused by the excitation can have a considerable impact on the whole crystal structure.

Knowledge regarding the interaction between light and solid matter on an atomic scale is still comparable to a map with many blank spots. A number of phenomena are still waiting to be observed or understood. A new, up to date unknown aspect of the interplay between light and matter has now been examined by a team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), the Technischen Universit?t M?nchen (TUM), the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin (FHI) and the Universit?t Kassel using intensive ultraviolet laser pulses with only a few femtoseconds duration (one femtosecond is a millionth of a billionth of a second).

The physicists illuminated a titanium dioxide crystal (consisting of titanium and oxygen atoms) with an intense ultraviolet laser pulse of less than five femtoseconds duration. The laser pulse excites the valence electrons in the crystal and generates a small number of hot electrons with a temperature of several thousand Kelvin. Valence electrons are electrons that are only weakly bound to the atoms in a crystal that interact strongly with each other and therefore form the bond between the atoms in a crystal. The continuous interplay between the positions of the atomic cores and the valence electrons determines the material characteristics such as electric conductivity, optical properties or the crystal lattice structure.

Following the first, intense laser pulse, the changes in the reflectivity of the crystal on the femtosecond timescale were observed by a second, weak light pulse. This measurement provides the scientists with information on the changes in the crystal induced by the first laser pulse: the intense ultraviolet laser pulse did not only heat up the valence electrons but also changed the electron distribution within the lattice. The electron density was reduced around the oxygen atoms and increased around the titanium atoms. This redistribution of the electrons causes a shift of the equilibrium position of the oxygen atoms relative to the titanium atoms, which leads to an oscillatory motion of the oxygen atoms around the new equilibrium position. In an intuitive picture the oxygen atoms in the crystal potential surface can be compared to a ball in a bowl. In the ground state, the ball is at rest at the center of the bowl. The excitation of the electrons corresponds to a sudden shift of the bowl, and the ball oscillates around its new minimum position.

In their experiment, the scientists also observed a suprising effect: after the excitation with the laser pulse, the electrons cool down to room temperature within about 20 femtoseconds, while the crystal is only heated slightly on these timescales. The cooling of the electrons led to an additional significant change in the valence electron distribution. In consequence, the equilibrium position of the lattice was shifted even further from the initial position of the ground state. Such a dependence of the crystal structure on the electron temperature has long been predicted theoretically. Now it could be observed experimentally for the first time. The results show that even subtle changes in the electron distribuition can have a significant impact on the equilibrium state of a crystal. The understanding of such phenomena can be helpful in the design of new materials.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. The original article was written by Thorsten Naeser.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Elisabeth M. Bothschafter, Alexander Paarmann, Eeuwe S. Zijlstra, Nicholas Karpowicz, Martin E. Garcia, Reinhard Kienberger, Ralph Ernstorfer. Ultrafast Evolution of the Excited-State Potential Energy Surface of TiO_{2} Single Crystals Induced by Carrier Cooling. Physical Review Letters, 2013; 110 (6) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.067402

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Bradley Manning pleads guilty to 10 lesser charges

Patrick Semansky / AP file

Army Pfc. Bradley Manning steps out of a security vehicle as he is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., on Nov. 29, 2012, for a pretrial hearing.

By Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube, NBC News

FORT MEADE, Md. ? A military judge on Thursday accepted guilty pleas by ?Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 10 lesser charges against him, leaving the ex-intelligence analyst to face 12 other counts for allegedly leaking hundreds of thousands of government documents to the WikiLeaks website.?

The acceptance of the "naked guilty pleas" -- meaning there is no agreement between the government and the defense that would limit the sentence ? at a pre-trial hearing means that Manning faces up to 20 years in prison, even if he is ultimately acquitted of the most-serious charges against him.?

Col. Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over the case, also accepted Manning?s ?not guilty? pleas to the remaining charges, including "aiding the enemy." His court martial on those charges, which carry a maximum sentence of life in prison, is scheduled to begin on June 3.?

During the day-long pre-trial hearing, Manning acknowledged that his actions were a discredit to the service and that he knew WikiLeaks was not authorized to have the information he provided.?

At one point when Lind asked him whether he knew what he was doing was wrong, he answered simply, "Yes, your honor."

More than an hour of Thursday's hearing was consumed by Manning's composed reading of a 35-page prepared statement that offered his first public explanation of his motives for leaking the government documents to WikiLeaks. He said he did so to ?spark domestic debate? on foreign policy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.?

Manning painted himself as a young man with an "insatiable thirst for geopolitical information"?and a desire for the world to know the truth about what was happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he said he became increasingly disillusioned after being sent to Iraq by actions that "didn't seem characteristic" of the U.S., the leader of free world.

Manning said under oath that the first documents he sent to WikiLeaks in early 2012 were the combined information data network exchanges for Iraq and Afghanistan, which he described as the daily journals of the "on-the-ground reality" of the conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan.?

He said he sent the information while on leave and staying at his aunt's house in Potomac, Md., using a public computer at a Barnes & Noble store in Rockville or North Bethesda. He said included a brief note calling the information the most significant documents of our time, and closing with, "Have a good day."?

He said he tried to send the information to the Washington Post and the New York Times before turning to WikiLeaks. ?He said he later sent information to WikiLeaks eight other times from his personal laptop at Contingency Base Hammer in Iraq.?

Manning is facing 22 criminal charges that include "aiding the enemy" and could face a life sentence if convicted of the most serious charges.?

Manning said he decided to release the first batch information because he was depressed and frustrated, and felt "a sense of relief" when he returned to Iraq. He said he finally had a "clear conscience" because someone else knew what was happening.?

His most detailed explanation involved the release of aerial weapons team video showing airstrikes that killed some Iraqi civilians and several Reuters journalists.

?It was troubling to me" that the U.S. military in Iraq wouldn't release the video, he said. Also disturbing was the "seemingly delightful blood lust" exhibited when members of the air crew referred to the civilians as "dead bastards" and congratulated one another on their ability to kill large numbers of people. He said he was encouraged by the public response, that others were "as troubled" as he was.

In addition to the charge of aiding the enemy, Manning pleaded not guilty to counts alleging theft of U.S documents or videos -- including allegations that he stole the list of all of the emails and phone numbers of U.S. military and personnel in Iraq at the time -- unauthorized access of that information and downloading unauthorized software onto government computers.

The charges to which he pleaded guilty included intentionally causing intelligence information to be published on the Internet, improper handling of classified information and counts of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.

Specifically, Manning acknowledged that he had unauthorized possession of information, that he willfully communicated it, and that he communicated it to an unauthorized person. However, he only acknowledged that for nine specific files or pieces of information, including:?

  • Combat engagement video of a helicopter gunship;
  • Two Army intelligence agency memos;
  • Certain records of the combined information data network exchange Iraq (which tracks all significant acts and patrol reports);
  • Combined information data network exchange Afghanistan records;
  • Some SOUTHCOM files dealing with Guantanamo Bay;
  • An investigation into an incident in a village in Farah, Afghanistan;?
  • Some Department of State cables.

Related story: WikiLeaks case: Bradley Manning seeks first public statement on motive

At his court martial, Manning?s defense is expected to argue that he considered himself a "whistleblower" and released the documents with "no malicious intent" or the intent to do "any harm to anyone." The government contends the release of the documents put some lives at risks, including the names of Afghans who were working with the U.S. military and intelligence.

Jim Miklaszewski is NBC News? Chief Pentagon Correspondent and Courtney Kube is NBC News? National Security Producer. ?


This story was originally published on


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Huge crowd for pope's final audience

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict bade an emotional farewell at his last general audience on Wednesday, saying he understood the gravity of his decision to become the first pontiff to resign in 700 years but he had done it for the good of the Church.

"I took this step in full awareness of its gravity and rarity but also with profound serenity of spirit," he told a packed crowd in Saint Peter's Square.

He said he was not "coming down from the cross" despite renouncing his office but would remain in the service of the church through prayer. He asked the faithful to pray for the cardinals and whoever they chose as his successor.

(Reporting By Phillip Pullella; writing by James Mackenzie, editing by Barry Moody)


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