Thursday, April 5, 2012


Teach your child to take care of her toys and other belongings. Rather than punishing her if she breaks something, or simply buying a replacement, take the time to show her how to use things correctly. When a toy, game or anything else is broken, see if it can be repaired, then make that process a lesson itself. Encourage your child to help you repair things, teaching her how to do simple repairs herself. Demonstrate how you personally take care of your family home, and encourage your child to do likewise on a daily basis. Draw her attention to the small details, such as picking up stray pieces of paper, beads or other debris from the floor. Watch yourself reap wonderful dividends!

We are advertising our CityGate Montessori with cards instead of brochures. Please pick up some cards at the welcome center at the Oasis Church and put them into the hands of friends and family who have preschool and kindergarten children or request one be mailed to you or a friend. (email

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